Grants For Students 2019

17 December 2019

On 16 December the Headteacher of Dame Alice Owen's School, Hannah Nemko, joined the Upper Warden, Richard Fuller, and the Clerk at Brewers' Hall to interview former students of the School for awards from the EH Thompson Bequest. Richard, who has been a governor of the School since 2013, kindly stepped in for the Chair of Governors who was unable to attend this year's interviews.

The EH Thompson Awards are given to former students of Dame Alice Owen's School who are studying at university, in order to pay for books, equipment or other purposes to enable the student to take full advantage of the facilities afforded by his or her university which tend to make his or her education more complete or to maintain him or her there.

The panel greatly enjoyed the opportunity to meet with the Old Owenians and to hear how they are thriving in their continuing education. Six students were interviewed who had a variety of requests to help them make the most of their time at university, including support to purchase books, subscriptions to periodicals, language society membership, musical instruments, sporting equipment, computer equipment and general living expenses. The panel decided to award grants to all six students and agreed that it is a privilege to be able to make a difference to these young people’s education thanks to the generosity of benefactors of generations past.
