The Livery Climate Action Group

11 January 2024

The Brewers’ Company was very pleased to join the Livery Climate Action Group (LCAG) this week.

The start of the new year is always a time to look to the future and what better way to do this than to become part of a dynamic force of Livery Companies all seeking to address the issues of climate change affecting our world. The LCAG was set up in response to the City of London’s own Climate Action Strategy which sets an ambition for the whole Square Mile, and aims to have all its occupiers, residents and businesses committed to the City having net zero emissions by 2040 (

The Brewers’ Company has made a good start to its sustainability plans with the redevelopment of Brewers’ Hall. The Building’s energy performance rating (EPC) has jumped from E to B as a result of increased energy efficiency. No carbon is produced onsite as we are attached to a district heating and cooling network; the network has, since early 2023, seen a 30%+ reduction in its carbon footprint due to the introduction of three heat pumps that draw natural warmth from the aquifer 200m below London.

The LCAG work with Livery Companies to help them assess their current position with regards to climate change and ESG, as well as providing a multitude of resources to support positive change and a platform to share experiences and best practices. More details can be found on their website at Here at the Brewers’ Company we are excited to explore the opportunities offered by being part of this group and to continue to develop better ways of working for the good of all.
