Celebrating Our Affiliations

25 October 2023

The Master Brewer presents the Brewers' Company Awards 2023

At the Court Luncheon on 19 October, the Master was pleased to welcome representatives from Dame Alice Owen’s School and our military affiliations: HMS ALBION, The Royal Lancers and 9F (Islington) Squadron.

The Brewers’ Company’s close connection with Dame Alice Owen’s School, which has existed since Alice Owen herself entrusted the governance of her school to ‘her friends’ the Brewers when it was established in 1613, is very highly valued. It was with great pleasure that the Master, James Staughton, welcomed Governors and staff from the School to join the Company’s Liverymen for lunch. The Master spoke with pride of the School’s achievements and its continued success despite the current economic climate and political outlook. The Headteacher, Hannah Nemko, spoke movingly of the passion and hard work of her staff in the face of overwhelming challenges.

The Master also welcomed the Commanding Officer, Captain Marcus Hember, and other representatives from the Company’s affiliated Royal Navy ship, HMS ALBION. The Captain presented the Brewers’ Company with a very special gift: the final ensign flown on the vessel during the reign of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The Master presented the Brewers’ Company Award, which is given annually to a crew member nominated by the Captain for outstanding achievement, to Engineering Technician Rebecca Hand and read her citation as follows:

Engineering Technician Rebecca Hand joined Albion in February 2022 and has accelerated through her professional training. Wanting to challenge herself and continue her development, Rebecca requested to work within the Domestic Electrical Section. She has flourished in this environment and has taken on the responsibilities expected of a Deputy Section Head. Rebecca is a natural leader and has an admirable work ethic, routinely exceeding her Terms of Reference whilst also working exceptionally hard to improve her own knowledge and skills as well as broadening her experience. Respected across the Ship, Rebecca is thoroughly deserving of this recognition for her determination to excel in her role, and her commitment to the development of herself and those around her.

The Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Robin Davies, and other representatives from the Brewers’ Company’s affiliated Army regiment, the Royal Lancers, were also present. The Master presented the Brewers’ Company Award 2023 to Private Gurung and read his citation as follows:

Private Gurung arrived at The Royal Lancers in September 2022 after completing Phase 2 Training at Worthy Down. He arrived at a growing Squadron of 78 people increasing to 126 within his first four months of duty. In the absence of the rank above him, Private Gurung maintained all B Squadron personnel’s data, solving pay issues, renewing passports, and posting and tracking a huge fighting Squadron. This year Private Gurung was deployed on Mounted and Dismounted Close Combat exercises. During Exercise CASSINO LANCER he was employed within Squadron Headquarters as a Watchkeeper – a position of responsibility for a young Private. He was used as an anti-tank operator during Exercise SCORPION CYCLONE and trained up members of the Light Aid Detachment, vastly increasing B Squadron’s fighting power. Private Gurung is ranked top of all Private Administrators in The Royal Lancers and is fully deserving of the Brewers’ Award.

Finally, the Master welcomed Sergeant Sue Molloy and Pilot Officer Carys Larwood, instructors from 9F (Islington) Squadron Air Training Corps. He noted that, being school age, cadets were unable to attend the lunch, but the Brewers’ Company Award had been presented to Suzanna Komisarek El-Mahmoud the previous week. He congratulated Sue on her exceptional work leading the Squadron, which had seen the number of cadets increase from just 4 prior to the COVID crisis to 52 today.

The Brewers’ Company is proud to be affiliated with all of the exceptional organisations that were represented at this event and were pleased to have the opportunity to offer them the hospitality of Brewers’ Hall.
