Brewers' Hall Wins Award for Flowers
31 October 2024
We are pleased to announce that Brewers’ Hall has been awarded the Livery Hall Large Display Trophy in the Worshipful Company of Gardeners’ Flowers in the City competition for its summer floral display this year. On Friday 25 October, the Beadle, James Fitzgerald, collected the award on behalf of the Brewers’ Company at a special ceremony at the Mansion House.
As our visitors will know, the window boxes at Brewers’ Hall bring a lovely splash of colour to the leafy green surroundings of Aldermanbury Square. This summer our contractors, Windowflowers Ltd., outdid themselves with cascading collections of red, white and mauve which bloomed for several weeks.
Miles Watson-Smith, Managing Director of Windowflowers Ltd. commented: “Under the Beadle’s supervision, Windowflowers has included nectar rich flowering plants to provide a source of nutrients to bees and other pollinating insects as well as foraging material for sparrows to help arrest the alarming decline in their population. Flowers in city centres assist in mental wellbeing and make our streets more attractive to commuters, visitors and residents, promoting high streets and city centres.”