Aldenham School Aces Inspection

29 January 2018

We are delighted to report that Aldenham School was judged "excellent" in all areas during a recent inspection by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). The inspection, carried out shortly before Christmas, assessed both Aldenham Prep and Aldenham Senior Schools, which provide continuity of education from 3-18 years all on the same site. The Brewers' Company has been proud to be associated with the School since it was founded by Richard Platt, a Past Master of the Brewers' Company, in 1597.

The first part of the inspection judged whether or not the School was meeting requirements for the quality of education provided; the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils; the welfare, heath and safety of pupils, the suitability of staff, supply staff, and proprietors; the premises and accommodation provided; the provision of information; the manner in which complaints are handled; and the quality of leadership and management. The School met all of the requirements in this pass/fail section.

The School was also judged "excellent" (the highest possible grade), in the two areas of the Educational Quality assessment: the achievement of the pupils, including their academic development, and the personal development of the pupils. The ISI report notes that "Pupils of all ages are highly self-reflective and self-confident, and display notable resilience for their age. They are determined to always 'try their best' as a result of the embedded culture within the school which is encouraged from a very young age."

The Headmaster Mr James Fowler congratulated everyone on the outcome of the inspection: "This is a very creditable reflection of the work of every one of the school staff, both teaching and support staff, the way in which the pupils respond to what is offered for them, and of course the support for the School by the parents."

Mr Trevor Barton, Chair of Governors, spoke of the immense pride the Governors have for the Schools. Referring to the report he said “It reflects not only the quality of the education provided at Aldenham, but also the spirit and ethos of the Schools, the dedication and hard work of all the staff, the character and achievements of our pupils and the very positive impression they make.”
